IWB Went To New Orleans

Honestly, I’m still trying to recharge after an EPIC week so I can’t promise to have it all together in this blog post but if you take anything out of this post, let it be this:
You are entirely up to you. You get to craft your life, no one else. So if you want it to be magical, then make it magical – YOU HAVE THAT POWER! And no one can stop you.
How do I know this? Because I live it every single day. And this week has been a living testament of that. Not just for myself, but for my squad.
Just to briefly recap – here’s what happened.. I went to New Orleans with a whole squad of Iconic Wine Beauties, lived my best life, caught the first flight home on the 9th to be with Kodah on his birthday AND threw him a party, then spent the next few days with my in-laws, my husband is shooting his TV show (which naturally throws our normal routine off course a bit) and as a mega introvert, I didn’t just use up all my energy this week, I drained up my entire reserve every single day of the week so to even say that I’m running “on empty” is the biggest understatement of the year.
But somehow.. at the same time.. I’m so full. My heart is exploding with gratitude. I’m the happiest and most fulfilled I’ve ever been. The people around me are thriving, my husband is happy, my children are healthy, and wow.. just wow.
So what exactly went down? And how can you be part of this revolution? Let me explain..
Monday + Tuesday
We heard there was a hurricane heading for New Orleans. (Cue ALL of the freak outs!) But then.. also cue all of the positive manifestations because somehow it all went away. And THANK GOD because I wrote cards and made hotel door signs for every single tribe member who was going to NOLA with us!
I still caught my flight. I meant up with my best friend, Lorraine and my brand partner, Tamara who flew all the way out from Australia to be with us! So naturally, we started our trip off by grabbing a drink at the airport bar at 8am.
Once we landed, we checked into our hotel, waited 2 hours for our luggage to be sent up from the bell hop and then wondered off to find food. We ended up at Red Fish Grill and WOW – delish!
Most of the rest of our tribe arrived so since I booked the Presidential Suite, I hosted a cute “Girls Night In” in my room. We ordered pizza, drank wine and champagne, wore cute PJ’s, did cute face masks, stalked an episode of NCIS that was being filmed on the rooftop of the building below us, listened to throwback music and of course took a ton of ridiculously cute photos. (lol jk.. they were cute in theory)
And! I made cute little gift bags for everyone who came. I added some energy drink packets, candy, a disposable phone charger and some Vitamin B packets to add to your water so no one got hangovers. (Note to friends: Those packets only work if you actually drink them lmao)
And just when I thought the night was over and everyone was going back to their own rooms so we could be well-rested for the big weekend ahead.. we found ourselves in a country bar with Meraiah and Damaris riding the bull HAHAHAH
We registered for the wine convention we were attending. We also wore our really cute IWB jean jackets (that we each handmade during a series of wine + DIY nights.) After we registered, we attended a couple of wine workshops (because in all honesty, we actually don’t know anything about wine. We just drink it and have fun parties/take cute photos)
Then we all met back in my room where we sat on the floor in a giant circle and took turns telling each other what we’re grateful for. Tears were shed. Bonds were made. Friendships were strengthened and that’s LITERALLY what we live for. Money can’t buy what we’ve built and it makes me so proud to have such an incredible team of women in my circle.
Friday night there was also a welcome reception where we wore our team color. But first..
We wrote our wishes on pretty paper and sent off to the universe for her to make them come true. And so far.. some of them already have.
This was the day of the convention and it was absolutely MAGICAL. It started with Meraiah doing make up for me and my friend/mentor, Amanda. (And it came out SO perfectly too!)
Then I gave a presentation on stage with Amanda. I also won THREE awards, was presented a giant bonus check on stage and 3 of my tribe members ranked up all within HOURS of each other.
THIS calls for a CELEBRATION! #amirite
Our company closed down the streets of New Orleans with a police-escorted parade down Bourbon St. The Iconic Wine Beauty in me said “DRESS ALIKE!” and the MOM in me said “WEAR A BRIGHT COLOR SO EVERYONE CAN FIND EACH OTHER IN THE CROWDS” and that’s when we adopted the color “yellow” for the night.
I’m not gonna lie though.. After such a LONG day and, really, a long weekend/week/couple of weeks/month I was EXHAUSTED and tried my hardest not to fall asleep at the dinner table. Waking up SUPER early, doing LOTS of people-ing and crushing my dreams/goals then to turn around and catch an early flight on Sunday to get home for Kodah’s birthday AND throw him a birthday party.. it’s been a lot.
But I’d be lying if I said I’m not so proud we pulled it off. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel like SUPERMOM and a great leader. I’d be lying if I said I’m not proud of everything we accomplished that weekend and I’d be lying if I said I’m not even MORE proud about WHERE WE ARE GOING!
So what’s next?
Well, only time will tell.
What I DO know is that the rest of 2018 is going to be MAGICAL AF and I have NO WORDS for 2019. Just.. wait and see.
But you can count on our tribe getting bigger and stronger. If any of this caught your interest and you want to learn more about how you can be part of our Girl Gang Wine Club, don’t be shy – shoot me an email bryiana@iconicbeauties.com and let’s make magic together!