Hahahaha, I’ve always wanted to say that. I’m really not. But this week, I went to Miami for a photography workshop hosted by Joey Wright! His workshop has been on my vision board for a few YEARS already and I finally decided to go this year because back in December, a VERY pregnant Bryiana Dyrdek decided that in 2018 I was going to do all the things I’ve always wanted to say “yes” to, but have somehow managed to make up an excuse for. So far, I’m doing really good at sticking to this resolution and let me tell you – it is REVOLUTIONIZING my life! I feel like I whole new me and it’s only mid-April! (But also, on the note- WTF IT’S ALREADY APRIL?!)

Anyway, back in April of 2016 a barely-pregnant Bryiana Dyrdek bought Joey’s FStoppers tutorial, thinking to myself “if I can actually learn from this, then I’ll buy my camera and gear.” Because “learn photography” was on my vision board.

After watching the video, I decided “I got this” so in June of 2016, I bought my camera, a couple lenses and some other random gear.

Then Joey announced his 2018 workshop and I bought my ticket! Then booked my hotel.. then booked my flight. Then a week before the workshop, I FINALLY picked up my camera (yes, two years later) to practice on Nora because I knew I was going to this workshop and I at least needed to know how to operate my camera. Hahaha.

For context, this is one of the pictures that was shot during our “shoot” lol. #WheresNora

Speaking of Nora, she decided at the last minute to book her flight to Miami and came with me. We accidentally got mega wine drunk immediately upon arrival because we couldn’t find a restaurant that was open, but the bar was. So the plan was to grab a drink while we waited for the restaurant to open, but since we didn’t have any food in our bodies until that point, the wine hit us extra hard.

PS – Nora also thought she saw Julia Roberts. Hahahahahaha (still dying)

But back to the workshop –

I learned SO much. Had a GREAT time. Made a MEGA rookie mistake: I accidentally deleted the pictures on my memory card. (But fingers crossed that Samys Cameras can recover the lost images.) I got to hang out with Nora and our friend/fellow Iconic Beauty/fellow Iconic Wine Beauty, Victoria and I got to cross a MAJOR thing off my vision board.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t dealing with some MAJOR mom-guilt leading up to leaving though.

But here’s the thing: I can’t spend my whole life telling my kids to chase their biggest, wildest dreams, respect themselves, forgive themselves and love themselves if they spend their whole lives watching me do the complete opposite for myself. So yes – there was a part of me that felt selfish for leaving for a few days but Kodah is 19 months old and Nala is 3.5 months old. They have no concept of time. They don’t know that I was gone. But if they were older and I didn’t chase after my dreams, they would grow up with a mom filled with self-doubt and regret. In 2018, I am challenging myself to be a kick ass mom, perfect wife and dream chaser. After we have more kids, picking up and living won’t even be an option. If all I have is 2018 to make my random dreams come true, then I’m going to seize the hell out of this year.

Because my kids deserve a mom they can be proud of. My husband deserves a wife he can brag about. And I deserve to live a life that fulfills me in every sense of the meaning. I want to do it all. I want to be it all. And it starts here and now.

Okay, but seriously though – back to the workshop.


Thursday was lecture day.

We spent most of the day in the classroom with Joey. He had a great presentation that went over his pre-production process and then we went to the beach around sunset time for a posing demo. Which so good!

I also got asked if I thought it was weird that I was the only girl in the class. But it’s 2018. Of course I didn’t think it was weird that I was the only girl in the class. I didn’t even think about that lol. I thought it was weird that I was the only one in the class who wasn’t a photographer!

Friday was the hands-on stuff.

We started with a sunset shoot and 4 different models, then we ended the day with a sunset shoot with the same models. Knowing that I’m not a photographer, Joey pulled me aside during one of my rotations and broke down the basics for me on a handful of different things and I can’t even begin to tell you how much I appreciated that. I’ve always really looked up to and respected Joey. I was just happy to be there! But the fact that he took the time to teach me a little more, made me less intimated to be there.

Saturday was a retouching demo and a portfolio review.

This is where I basically ruined my life and accidentally deleted the pictures from my memory card. That I borrowed form another photographer. Because I didn’t bring a back up memory card. Since my brain didn’t think that far ahead. Extra rookie mistake.

But there were a handful of AMAZING guys there who were willing and happy to help me figure it all out. I’m so used to starting any new journey with the mentality that “I don’t belong” and “everyone’s going to hate me” which has prevented me from even attempting to step out of my comfort zone on SO many occasions.

I LOVED Thursday. I LOVED Friday. And I LOVED Saturday. But I extra loved the experience of overcoming a new challenge. To sum it all up, these are a few of my COMPLETELY UNEDITED favorite shots from the workshop. (Keep in mind – I’M NOT A PHOTOGRAPHER – So don’t judge me. And, I’m still waiting for the pictures from my other memory to magically make their way back to me lol.)





Workshop hosted by Joey Wright: http://www.joeywrightphoto.com

Models were Hannah and Abby and Alli and Bonnie

Moderated by Chris Headshots and Dante and Victor

Hair + Make Up by Anna Horton and Jenny Dyson

Swimwear provided by Beach Gal and Montce and Aria

Assisted by by Lily and Carly

Of course I want to thank YOU for bearing with me during this mega long blog post. But I also want to extend a MEGA warm thank you to everyone who made this past weekend so special. I am so grateful to have had this incredible experience. If you’ve ever considered photography but don’t know where to get started, I HIGHLY recommend Joey’s workshop regardless of your experience. #NotAnAd