Occupation: I’m constantly quitting my day jobs, so I only identify as a Makeup Artist.

Current City: Los Angeles

Hobbies: Reading anything interesting online, listening to podcasts, watching Shark Tank and Flip or Flop with my boyfriend.

Strange hobby: Taking personality tests. I’m addicted.

Three Words That Describe Me: Ambitious. Caring. Deep.

Three Fun Facts:

  1. I’ve only had one boyfriend.
  2. I hate Ketchup.
  3. I have never broken a bone.

What was your first “I made it” moment? Speaking on stage after becoming one of the top female leaders in my business at the time.
What do you in your free time? I love to make and watch YouTube videos!
What is your favorite thing about yourself? My favorite thing about myself is the fact that I’m an empath. I’m always trying to see things through another persons perspective.
What are you really good at? I’m really good at makeup!
What are some things you need to practice more? I need to practice doing pull ups  I also really need to practice saying No to things I really don’t want to do.
What are some things you’d rather avoid? I’d rather avoid confrontation.
What is something new you’d like to learn?  I would love to learn how to dance to bachata music!
Who/what inspires you?  I’m inspired by anyone who has ever doubted themselves , or been doubted by others…and pushed through that to create the life that they’ve always wanted. Women especially.
What makes you laugh/cry?  I laugh the hardest with my three best friends usually when we’re making fun of ourselves or each other. Literally everything makes me cry, I am too sensitive for life.
What keeps you going when you feel like giving up?Proving to myself that I can.
What is your Top Priority?  Living a life that I can be proud of. So right now my top priority to achieve that, is making more money so I can start investing into the things it will take to achieve that life.