The Law of Attraction

A Live Your Best Life mini-lesson on The Law of Attraction

If you’ve logged onto social media, turned on the tv, or even listened to a song recently, you’re familiar with the phrase “Good vibes only.” To some, it’s just a catchy saying to stick on the side of a mug, but to others, it’s a way of life based on the Law of Attraction. One of the 12 Universal Laws, the Law of Attraction a key ingredient to the process of manifestation. It is one of the most popular of the Universal laws and arguably, the most understood. In order to get the most of this magical and life-changing principle, there are a few things you must know.


First things first, what exactly is the Law of Attraction? Simply put, it is the belief that like attracts like and that thoughts are energy that creates a vibrational frequency. Everything around us vibrates and consists of energy and this law believes that your reality is a reflection of the energy you are putting into the world.  Even when you aren’t aware, you are projecting what you want to the Universe and it is constantly listening, sending it to you.

Sounds like magic, right?

We’re sure you’re asking yourself, “If this works, then why isn’t everyone using it?” The answer is everyone is using it, most just don’t realize it. Whether you believe in the Universe or manifesting doesn’t matter. This is a Universal Law, which means it affects us all and when used correctly, you can co-create with the Universe to live out your best life. It’s important to remember that the Universe wants to give you everything you desire. You were born to live an authentic life full of abundance and blessings. However, thanks to living the human experience, as we grow and navigate the world, our minds are reinforced with beliefs and fears that influence our minds. This means that while we can think we are asking for a million dollars and our soulmate, our subconscious mind is sending out messages of lack and unworthiness.


This means that in order to create the life of your dreams, you have to do a little more than sitting on your couch repeating “I’m a millionaire” over and over. Even though we are discussing mindset, taking aligned action is the greatest driver of manifestation and utilizing the Law of Attraction. If you want a million dollars, first ask yourself why you want it (financial freedom, to take care of loved ones, to live peacefully) and then begin to take the steps to get there. Iconic Tip: stepping through fear is the greatest attractor and by doing what scares you, you are amplifying your manifestation to the Universe.Now that we’re clear on all of that, it’s time to explore the nine different Enneagram types. However, before we do, it’s important to keep in mind that no one type is superior to another; each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Also, these nine personality types are universal and can be applied no matter your gender or ethnicity. Remember this is all about understanding and growth, so while your personality type won’t change, you may not relate to the descriptions forever.

Something you will often hear surrounding the Law of Attraction is that you must be positive all the time. The second you think negatively, bad things will come to you and you will lose your manifestation. We want to respectfully argue against this. While it’s true that if you are a constant Debbie Downer, only ever thinking about how terrible life is, there’s likely not much room for joy. What we want to encourage is being in touch with yourself and your emotions. If you start to feel negative or angry or jealous, stop and take note of not only what you’re feeling but what triggered these feelings in the first place. Start a journal and write through your emotions until you discover why you feel the way you are feeling. This often leads to discovering your limiting beliefs and allows you to replace them with positive, reaffirming beliefs.

Look around, for better or worse, you have created the life you’re currently living. You don’t have to be the passenger in your life, you can get in the driver’s seat and take control. The Law of Attraction isn’t magic, you are. By loving yourself and believing that you are not only capable but that you deserve to live the life of your dreams, you will start actively working with the Universe to craft your reality. Raising your levels of deservingness is the ultimate act of self-care. Love yourself, Beauty, we sure do. 

How are you using the Law of Attraction in your life? Follow us @IconicWineBeauties and tag us with all the wonderful things you’re attracting!