Iconic Wine Beauties don’t just chase dreams, we achieve them.
When it comes to living your best life, every person has a different vision of what that looks like. For some, living their best life means trips all over the world on private jets. While for others, nothing sounds more blissful than sitting in their home surrounded by books and an incredible glass of wine. But envisioning your best life is much easier than making it become a reality… or is it?

Introduction to the Law of Attraction: Learn how the Universe works and how powerful your mind is in co-creating your reality. Discover how beliefs, limiting beliefs, and getting clear on what you want are the first step to your goals.

Clarity + Purpose: Gain insight into negativity and fear by discovering your threshold of deservingness and how to elevate yourself. Dig deeper into your beliefs by finding clarity on your purpose while learning new clearing techniques to create room for all the amazing things coming your way.

Finding Your Limiting Beliefs: Discover your limiting beliefs and uncover sources of blocked inspiration. Pinpoint your fear of failure, fear of success, and how to avoid dismissing the hard stuff. Learn meditations and clearings to overcome limiting beliefs and blocks.

Clearing Your Limiting Beliefs: Identify the feelings that have been holding you back. Become informed about the 3 basic categories of destructive dialogue and determine the category you’re in. Practice radical forgiveness and pose the belief that nothing is impossible.

Your Powerful Mind: Understand how your conscious and subconscious minds work and interact together. Explore the power of thoughts and apply the practice of gratitude. Become equipped with methods for amplifying what you can attract in your life and the art of reframing perspective.

Crafting The Life You Desire: Create affirmations and vision boards that resonate with you. Write a personal mission statement with values and roles you’ve defined for yourself. Learn the Four Pursuits of Life and your individual why for each one.

Vibrancy: Through the five steps of the Law of Attraction for health, clarify exactly what health is to you. Delve into your stress and discover how to lessen it in your life. We explore what sleep health means all while gaining a new understanding of the necessity of exercise and movement.

Alignment, Inspiration + Influence Focus more on the positive in all aspects of your life. Allow yourself to “go with the flow” and truly understand what that even means. Identify the signs that mean you’re on the right path and follow your Divine inner guidance with more trust and clarity. Begin to learn about money and how to approach finances in a positive, supportive way.

Inspired Action Achieve a more awakened state by recognizing the red flags in your life. Learn to trust and follow your inner promptings and how to take inspired action. Together we will face our fears head-on and examine our lives with ruthless honesty. Plus, how to achieve master time management skills to make the most out of every moment.

Courage + Confidence Discover your inner saboteur and recognize the damage they’ve caused. Begin the steps to combat self-sabotaging utilizing tools that assist with increasing your courage and confidence to pursue your dreams with a sense of peace and clarity.

Accountability + Mastery By learning to apply the concept of “turn it into something good” to both past and future life events, you’ll be equipped to navigate everything life may throw at you. We implement the five key elements of the million-dollar secret formula for success and the six key points behind the Law of Attraction in order to achieve your dreams.

Money, Relationships + The Way Forward In exploring the four stages of awakening, we identify the negative aspects of relationships that have been holding you back. By banishing the victim within and using our ego wisely, we take the final steps toward forgiving ourselves and others. Finally, we further our studies in manifesting money by implementing the nine secrets for making money

What are you waiting for?
Live Your Best Life with Iconic Wine Beauties isn’t your typical self-improvement course. We mix the practical with the woo-woo, sprinkle in a little glitter, and serve it with your favorite glass of wine. From exploring the basic laws of the Universe to growing alongside the best girl gang wine club out there, quantum leaping with IWB is an experience like no other. So what are you waiting for, Beauty? We can’t wait to welcome you!