I get asked about books all the time, so I’m excited to share some of my best ones with you! Keep in mind, all the books I read are to help me grow and better myself so I can live my best life. After all, that’s the mission I’m on and why we’re all here anyway! So if you have an interest in leveling up in life, the list below will change your life.


Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This book has *honestly* singlehandedly changed my life. It’s also the reason I’m married to my husband, but I’ll save that story for another time. This book isn’t just for people who want to be rich financially – it teaches you how to be rich in love, in life, in happiness, and the wealth part is just a bonus.

This book is also one of those books that will grow with you. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve read this book or listened to the audiobook. But every time I listen to or read it, I take something new from it. The person I am now vs. the person I was when I first read this book, is not the same. The person I was when I read the book the 3rd time vs. the person I was when I read it the 2nd time also wasn’t the same.  If you’re looking to improve your life, start with Think and Grow Rich.

You² + The Quantum Leap Strategy by Price Pritchett

If you’ve seen the documentary “The Secret” (on Netflix and YouTube) then you heard Bob Proctor talking about You². It’s the easiest book you’ll ever read but the most profound. If you’re sick of taking “baby steps” and want to make quantum leaps, you need these two books.

Earth Is Hiring by Peta Kelly

I actually just finished this book. It was a gift by one of my mentors. The title of the book through me off a little bit, but let me tell you – as a wife, mom, millennial, entrepreneur, and someone who really, truly, genuinely cares (about everything) this book really spoke to me. I know everything happens for a happen but now I know WHY. I have these perfectly clear visions of what I want my life to look and my children’s lives and everyone and everything around me but getting there (and WHY!?) didn’t make sense until this book came along.

(I don’t have a picture of the actual book, but I did stop to take this picture while reading the book in Bora Bora)

His Needs, Her Needs by Willard F. Harley Jr

When I first met my husband, I told him I never wanted to get married and I didn’t want to have kids. That’s not only a true story, back then, it was a fact. Growing up, every marriage around me seemed to fail. I saw married couples constantly fighting, being disrespectful, doing sketchy shit and not caring that their actions were affecting their kids and I didn’t want to continue that cycle. My solution to that: no marriage, no kids, no problems.

But the more I got to know Rob, the more I fell in love with him and couldn’t imagine not spending the rest of my life with him and creating small humans as the ultimate staple of our love. So I’ve been on this mission to end the toxic cycle of negativity that used to surround me and in doing so, this book was introduced to us by Rob’s friend. I could do an entire blog post on this book alone (and if you’re into, I just might!) but basically, I HIGHLY recommend this book to all married couples, to anyone in a serious relationship or to anyone who WANTS to be a committed, loving relationship.

Some of my other favorites

His Needs, Her Needs

His Needs, Her Needs for Parents

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

You Are A Badass

You Are A Badass at Making Money

The Compound Effect

The Power of Now

The Power of Broke

The Go-Giver

The Magic of Thinking Big

Crush It!

The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People

The ABC’s of Success

It’s Not Rocket Science: 7 Game Changing Traits for Uncommon Success

Go Pro: 7 Steps To Becoming A Network Marketing Professional

Books I’m Excited To Read

The Power of Positive Thinking

Three Feet From Gold

High Performance Habits

He Wins, She Wins

Crushing It!

Books Highly Recommended by Others

As A Man Thinketh

Money Master the Game: 7 Steps to Financial Freedom

The One Thing

Winning With People

The Purpose Driven Life

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Awaken the Giant Within

The Richest Man in Babylon

Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

Get Your Shit Together