
  • The Law of Attraction

    The Law of Attraction

    A Live Your Best Life mini-lesson on The Law of Attraction

    If you’ve logged onto social media, turned on the tv, or even listened to a song recently, you’re familiar with the phrase “Good vibes only.” To some, it’s just a catchy saying to stick on the side of a mug, but to others, it’s a way of life based on the Law of Attraction. One of the 12 Universal Laws, the Law of Attraction a key ingredient to the process of manifestation. It is one of the most popular of the Universal laws and arguably, the most understood. In order to get the most of this magical and life-changing principle, there are a few things you must know.


    First things first, what exactly is the Law of Attraction? Simply put, it is the belief that like attracts like and that thoughts are energy that creates a vibrational frequency. Everything around us vibrates and consists of energy and this law believes that your reality is a reflection of the energy you are putting into the world.  Even when you aren’t aware, you are projecting what you want to the Universe and it is constantly listening, sending it to you.

    Sounds like magic, right?

    We’re sure you’re asking yourself, “If this works, then why isn’t everyone using it?” The answer is everyone is using it, most just don’t realize it. Whether you believe in the Universe or manifesting doesn’t matter. This is a Universal Law, which means it affects us all and when used correctly, you can co-create with the Universe to live out your best life. It’s important to remember that the Universe wants to give you everything you desire. You were born to live an authentic life full of abundance and blessings. However, thanks to living the human experience, as we grow and navigate the world, our minds are reinforced with beliefs and fears that influence our minds. This means that while we can think we are asking for a million dollars and our soulmate, our subconscious mind is sending out messages of lack and unworthiness.


    This means that in order to create the life of your dreams, you have to do a little more than sitting on your couch repeating “I’m a millionaire” over and over. Even though we are discussing mindset, taking aligned action is the greatest driver of manifestation and utilizing the Law of Attraction. If you want a million dollars, first ask yourself why you want it (financial freedom, to take care of loved ones, to live peacefully) and then begin to take the steps to get there. Iconic Tip: stepping through fear is the greatest attractor and by doing what scares you, you are amplifying your manifestation to the Universe.Now that we’re clear on all of that, it’s time to explore the nine different Enneagram types. However, before we do, it’s important to keep in mind that no one type is superior to another; each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Also, these nine personality types are universal and can be applied no matter your gender or ethnicity. Remember this is all about understanding and growth, so while your personality type won’t change, you may not relate to the descriptions forever.

    Something you will often hear surrounding the Law of Attraction is that you must be positive all the time. The second you think negatively, bad things will come to you and you will lose your manifestation. We want to respectfully argue against this. While it’s true that if you are a constant Debbie Downer, only ever thinking about how terrible life is, there’s likely not much room for joy. What we want to encourage is being in touch with yourself and your emotions. If you start to feel negative or angry or jealous, stop and take note of not only what you’re feeling but what triggered these feelings in the first place. Start a journal and write through your emotions until you discover why you feel the way you are feeling. This often leads to discovering your limiting beliefs and allows you to replace them with positive, reaffirming beliefs.

    Look around, for better or worse, you have created the life you’re currently living. You don’t have to be the passenger in your life, you can get in the driver’s seat and take control. The Law of Attraction isn’t magic, you are. By loving yourself and believing that you are not only capable but that you deserve to live the life of your dreams, you will start actively working with the Universe to craft your reality. Raising your levels of deservingness is the ultimate act of self-care. Love yourself, Beauty, we sure do. 

    How are you using the Law of Attraction in your life? Follow us @IconicWineBeauties and tag us with all the wonderful things you’re attracting! 

  • Enneagrams 101

    An Iconic beginner’s guide to Enneagrams 

    As we grow and evolve, making our way through this crazy, wonderful world, finding tools that assist us in self-development and understanding can be extremely beneficial. Though personality tests can have their flaws, taking the time to reflect and discover habits and traits we exude can be helpful both personally and professionally. The Enneagram personality test is one example of these popular tools.

    The Enneagram has been rapidly growing in popularity over recent years thanks largely in part to social media but was originally created in 1915 by philosopher George Gurdjieff. Based on the theory that people are born with dominant personality types that are then shaped and molded by their environment and experiences, the modern Enneagram consists of nine different personality types that help pinpoint basic fears, desires, core motivations, and virtues. The Enneagram structure believes that nobody is strictly one type, but instead a combination of all types with a certain personality trait being most dominant and therefore, most important.

    Once you find out your most dominant type, you will explore your wing which is the subtype of your Enneagram type. While it is possible to have an Enneagram without a wing, most users will feel using a wing more accurately describes their personality. So how do you discover your wing? Each point on the Enneagram has two wings. Simply put, these are the neighboring points, one number above and one number below. So if you are a type 5, your wing would either be 4 or 6, if you are a 9, your wings would either be 8 or 1. Wings are decided by “borrowing” traits from the neighboring type to create a more well-rounded blend of the two types. 

    Now that we’re clear on all of that, it’s time to explore the nine different Enneagram types. However, before we do, it’s important to keep in mind that no one type is superior to another; each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Also, these nine personality types are universal and can be applied no matter your gender or ethnicity. Remember this is all about understanding and growth, so while your personality type won’t change, you may not relate to the descriptions forever.


    The 9 Enneagram Types

    Type 1 – The Reformer

    The Reformer is the rule follower who is always doing things the right way. They are organized, serious, and practical, often having a strict set of moral rules to abide by. They can be hard on themselves and those around them, but in their hearts, they just want to make the world a better place. Reformers fear being bad or corrupt and desire goodness and integrity.

    Type 2 – The Helper

    The Helper is a natural giver. This type is always there to give a helping hand and act as a support system to loved ones. They can be giving to a fault, ignoring their own needs and boundaries to please others. The Helper wants to fit in and be loved. They fear being unwanted or unneeded and desire to be loved.

    Type 3 – The Achiever

    The Achiever is success-oriented, accomplished, and driven. They are always up for a challenge and willing to go the extra mile in order to obtain their dreams. The Achiever always wants to appear capable and do whatever they can in order to avoid failure. Type 3 fears being worthless and disappointing others and desire to be valued and accepted.

    Type 4 – The Individualist

    The Individualist loves to be unique and creative. Never wanting to be considered ordinary, they strive to present their true self to the world. They are very focused on feeling their emotions and can tend to be moody and sometimes jealous. The Individualist fears not having an identity or personal significance and they desire to be meaningful and authentically themselves.

    Type 5 – The Investigator

    The Investigator loves to learn. They are always looking to learn more about the world and enjoy being by themselves. They are very private and deep thinkers. Investigators are sponges for knowledge and make great scientists, professors, and engineers. The investigator fears being useless or unskilled and desires to be capable and competent.

    Type 6 – The Loyalist

    The Loyalist needs security and seeks it in every aspect of their life. Though they can be skeptical and anxious, they are very responsible and trustworthy—often having long-lasting friendships. The Loyalist fears losing security and support and desires stability and to be secure.

    Type 7 – The Enthusiast

    The Enthusiast is spontaneous, optimistic, and full of energy. They are always seeking out new experiences and can struggle with recognizing limits and settling down. This type wants to get the most out of life and is motivated by fun and a need to be happy. The Enthusiast fears being confined or in pain and desires to be fulfilled and satisfied. 

    Type 8 – The Challenger

    The Challenger is always chasing goals, strategies, and improvement. Brave and headstrong they are leaders who know what they want. They are very protective but can become obsessed with controlling everything around them, never wanting to appear weak or vulnerable. Challengers fear being harmed or controlled by others and desire to be free and in control.

    Type 9 – The Peacemaker

     The Peacemaker is accepting and tolerant of others. They value peace and will go to great lengths in order to ensure harmony among a group. They are great at communication and encouragement but tend to let others take control to make other people happy. The Peacemaker fears being disconnected and separated from the world and desires to have peace and stability


    Once you’ve taken a test to discover your Enneagram, it can be beneficial in examining your life and discovering ways to become the best version of yourself. By knowing yourself, you can more accurately inspect your life in order to live as your best, most authentic self. Even if you share traits with others, it’s important to remember that you’re a wonderful, Iconic individual and your path is yours and yours alone. 

    Do you know your Enneagram type? Comment below or tag us on IG @IconicWineBeauties with your types and how you use this knowledge to work for you!

  • Iconically Fabulous Meraiah

    A Spotlight on Iconic Wine Beauties Members

    Meraiah Torres

    When it comes to amazing and inspirational members, Iconic Wine Beauties’ cup runneth over. From entrepreneurs to beauty experts to moms raising the next generation, Iconic Wine Beauties all over the country are living their best lives and doing what they can to effect change in their communities. Today, we’re so excited to introduce you to Meraiah, an Iconic Wine Beauty who has been with us since the very beginning.

    Hello! Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to join us today. Can you please share your name, age, and location with everyone?

    Of course! I’m Meraiah. I’m 28 and live in Los Angeles.  

    We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again, we love our California ladies! We ask everyone, so we have to know, what is your enneagram, personality type, and star sign?

    My enneagram is 4w3, my Myers-Briggs is INFJ, and my star sign is Cancer.

    Oooh! That is such a powerful combination, no wonder you’re so unstoppable. We know you’re always making big moves, but can you share with everyone what you do for a living?

    I’m a makeup artist, lash tech, and brow artist and I work for a social media agency.

    That is amazing! You are so talented and your clients are so lucky to have you in their lives. Because you dedicate so much of your life to helping others feel great in their own skin, is there an affirmation you love to help give yourself a daily boost?

    My favorite affirmation is “All that I dream and desire is on its way to me now.” 

    What a magical affirmation, we’re definitely going to have to add that to our list. We can’t imagine Iconic Wine Beauties without you… and for good reason! Can you tell us how you found IWB?

    Bryiana came to me with the idea in August of 2017 and I never looked back! The vision she had was everything we had wanted in a girl gang and I was in from then on. Pre, pre, pre-launch! 

    You’re beyond day one and we appreciate everything you have done to help make IWB what it is today. Since we’re sure you’ve had plenty of wine nights since 2017, what is your perfect pairing?

    My perfect pairing is a red blend, Trader Joe’s chocolate coconut almonds, popcorn and Grey’s Anatomy.

    Ummm… can we get an invite? That night sounds perfect and dare we say, McDreamy! Your impact on IWB is undeniable and you are woven into so many of our core memories. Do you have a favorite memory when you reminisce about your time in Iconic Wine Beauties?

    Wow, I have soooo many!! But I would say our Dallas trip stands out. Getting ready together for the cowgirl night was one of my favorite dress-up days and glam moments!

    That was such an amazing trip and we really took cowgirl glam to another level. Besides how fantastic you look in cowgirl boots, what else have you learned about yourself since joining Iconic Wine Beauties?

    I have learned that I am deserving of all of the love, light, and blessings I receive. And I have the most beautiful women reminding me of that!

    You are so right, the constant support in this girl gang is really the core of what IWB is about. Now onto something a little more serious, Chug, Marry, Kill: Wine edition. What are you picking?

    This is tough, but I’m chugging Rosé and Sav Blancs, marrying Pinot Noirs and Cabs, and I’m going to have to kill Merlot! 

    We love that you are marrying two different wines. We think that kind of progressive thinking is what this world needs more of.  For everyone to keep up with you and your unbelievable talents, where can we find you on social media?

    You can find me on Instagram @meraiah.danielle and On TikTok, my name is @meraiahdanielle.

    Perfect, we’re so excited to watch as you continue to grow and take the world by storm. Thank you for joining us today and showing everyone exactly why we love you so much.

  • Iconically Fabulous Shayla

    A Spotlight on Iconic Wine Beauties Members

    Shayla Garibay

    While the world is experiencing supply issues all over the place, IWB is never running low on our absolutely Iconic members! #CannotRelate. We’re so excited to introduce you to another one of our amazing Beauties. This month, we’re highlighting Shayla, an esthetician who specializes in lashes, brows, and being a total boss! We know you’re going to love her just as much as we do.

    Welcome, Beauty! We’re so thrilled to have you with us. Can you start by sharing your name, age, and location?

    I’m Shayla! I’m 27 and from North Hollywood, CA.


    You know we love a California girl. Like our girl Katy Perry says, you’re unforgettable! Do you know what else we can’t forget? Our love of personality tests! What are your enneagram, personality type, and star sign?

    I’m an Enneagram Type 7, my personality type is ISFP-A/ ISFP-T, and my star sign is Gemini.


    Wow! What a combination! No wonder you’re such a boss! Speaking of boss, what do you do for a living?

    I am a business owner and a licensed esthetician who specializes in lashes, brows & body waxing!


    Not to be dramatic, but good lashes and brows are literally life-changing. You’re out here doing the Lord’s work. Besides staying away from the tweezers, what are your favorite affirmations?

    What I want is already mine! 💕 

    I am a magnet for miracles.✨


    Those are both so magical and powerful, thank you for sharing with us. As you know, Iconic Wine Beauties is a sisterhood that focuses on community and lifting one another up. How did you find IWB? 

    So it was actually when I was at my lowest, I was having a hard time bouncing back after the pandemic. So I was forcing myself to try and get out more, well I went to a pop-up shop and that’s where I met Berenice. Long story short we hung out and she introduced me to IWB. When I say this girl group changed my life I’m not kidding. I’m beyond grateful for the 10 months I’ve been with IWB! 


    No, we’re grateful for you! You and your gorgeous spirit exemplify what it means to be an Iconic Wine Beauty. Now, let’s lighten things up a little bit. Imagine your ideal night in, what’s your perfect pairing?

    Ohhh wine & pasta for sure or pasta & dessert… orrrrr wine and dessert? Can we make this a triad? 😂 Wine 🍷 Pasta 🍝  Dessert 🍨 


    Wine, pasta, and dessert? I think that’s what they call the holy trinity! Please count us in for that wine night. You said you’ve been a member for ten months now, can you share your favorite memory so far?

    Definitely our Downtown Disney day, my cheeks hurt from all the smiling I did that day!! Also, our module one zoom meeting for Live Your Best Life. Getting introduced into this girl gang was so memorable… and I got to dress like Ula from 50 First Dates. 🌴 


    Dressing up is a crucial part of an IWB membership! We fully approve of that answer. What have you learned about yourself since joining Iconic Wine Beauties? 

    I am capable of pure MAGIC. 🪄 


    Yes, Queen! You’re not only capable of magic, you are magic! Alright, are you ready? It’s game time! Chug, marry, kill Wine Edition. What are you doing?

    Easy! I’m chugging sparkling Moscato, marrying sparkling almond, and killing any red wine.


    Killing all the red wine? Cutthroat, but we respect it. Before you leave, can you tell us how to find you on social media?

    So I work full-time for myself now, something I’ve wanted to do for years so I only really focus on my business IG page. You can find me under @HighTideBeauty and my TikTok is under @HighTideBeauty5. Also if you’re in the mood for some cute puppy content you can follow my furbabies on IG under @maui_thecockpit.🐾.  


    We can’t wait to watch you continue to create magic, Shayla! Thank you so much for being with us today and sharing all of your gifts with the Iconic Wine Beauties community.

  • Iconically Fabulous Maira

    A Spotlight on Iconic Wine Beauties Members

    Maira Romo

    At Iconic Wine Beauties, we come for the wine but stay for the community. Founded on the idea of sisterhood and friendship, we cherish our members and have been in awe of the relationships that have formed. To show our appreciation for one another, every month each member votes on the Beauty who embodies IWB energy and deserves a little extra recognition. 

    We are so excited to highlight these amazing women with you!

    Can you please tell us your name, where you’re from, and how old you are?

    I’m Maira Romo. I’m 31 and from Visalia, CA.

    We love a California girl… almost as much as we love personality tests and astrology. What are your Enneagram, Myers-Briggs typer, and star sign?

    I’m an Enneagram Type 3, an ESFJ-A on Myers-Briggs, and my star signs are Sagittarius Sun, Capricorn Moon, and Gemini Rising.

    Wow! We stan a beauty who is self-aware and curious. Now that we know a little bit more about you, could you tell us what you do for a living?

    I recently wrapped up my seventh year of being a teacher! I currently teach fourth grade and I love it!

    On behalf of all parents, all across the world, let us salute you for your service. Teachers are a gift and we are so grateful for all that you do.

    As we’re sure you know, IWB loves self-love, self-care, and self-improvement. One thing we always encourage is integrating affirmations into your daily schedule.

    What are your favorite affirmations?

    My top three are: 

    1) I take action towards my goals every day.

    2) I am taking steps to make my dreams a reality.

    3) I am a miracle magnet.

    You are a miracle magnet and we are so glad you attracted Iconic Wine Beauties! How did you find IWB?

    I found IWB on Instagram by way of another beauty, Meraiah! After seeing what IWB was all about, I knew that I needed to be a part of this sisterhood!

    You’ve given so much to this community and it’s clear that we needed you too! Aside from sisterhood, we also love wine. What is your perfect pairing?

    The perfect wine pairing is rosé, raspberry Tru Fru, and all my best girlfriends!

    Wine, chocolate, and friends, you’re right, that is the perfect pairing for the perfect night! Speaking of perfect, what is your favorite IWB memory?

    My favorite IWB memory has to be the Throwback Karaoke Night in 2019! This was my first IWB event and it was also my first time meeting all the girls in person! We had so much fun singing the night away!

    That was a fantastic night! We’re so thrilled that we will be bringing back in-person events soon in order to create more memories like this. A huge part of the IWB membership is access to our exclusive Live Your Best Life program. Since joining IWB, what have you learned about yourself?

    I’ve learned so much about myself since joining IWB. I have been introduced to a whole new world of personal development! Since joining IWB, I’ve learned my personality type, strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and I’ve learned to be confident and proud of myself!

    You should be proud of yourself and everything you’ve accomplished, we know we are! As we come to a close, let’s play a little game. Chug, Marry, Kill: Wine edition. What are your picks?

    Chug rosé, marry sauvignon blanc, and kill merlot!

    Ooooh! Marry sauvignon blanc? Sound classy, we’ll need an invite to that wedding! Before you go, could you please share where we can find you on social media?

    You can find me on TikTok and Instagram @mindfulteaching.

    Thank you again for talking with us today, Maira. You are such a gift to our community and we couldn’t be more proud to know beauty as iconic as you!

  • Iconically Fabulous Yvette

    A Spotlight on Iconic Wine Beauties Members

    Yvette Sanchez

    In the wise words of DJ Khaled, we’re back with another one! We’re back to highlight another beloved member of the IWB community and this month we’re bringing you someone extra special. Not only is this beauty quick to offer encouragement and answer questions, but she also leads the IWB book club and has created a space for new and old book lovers to gather and learn together. We are so thrilled to introduce you to our Beauty of the Month, Yvette Sanchez.

    Well hello! Thank you so much for joining us. Can you introduce yourself to everyone by sharing your name, age, and location?

    Hi! I’m Yvette and I’m 30 years old–hello 30, flirty & thriving! I reside in Central Valley, CA. 


    Another Cali girl, we love to see it! We already know you shine like a star, so could you tell us your star sign, Enneagram, and Myers-Briggs personality type?

    My star sign is Gemini, I am an Enneagram Type 1 and an INFJ-T, heavy on the T for Turbulent, lol.


    As if we didn’t already know that your personality was the best, thank you for giving us some extra proof. If being fabulous was a profession, we’re sure you’d get the job. Alas, it’s not, so what do you do for a living?

    I am the Executive Assistant for Iconic Beauty! 💖

    Yes, you are! We are so lucky and love having the opportunity to work with you. You are always so positive and kind, what is your favorite affirmation?

    My favorite affirmation is “I am greatly blessed, highly favored, and deeply loved.” I actually learned this one from Bryiana’s Positive Affirmations blog way back when I first read it in 2018.


    This must be proof that affirmations work because you are all three of those! You have been such an integral member of IWB that it’s hard to remember a time when you weren’t involved. How did you first discover IWB?

    Adri (@adrilovess_) posted about it on Instagram in 2018 and I immediately knew I wanted to be a part of the magic that is IWB! Honestly, since then I haven’t considered a life without IWB. The genuine friendships and connections I have made over the years are a vital support system that I am blessed to have and will always cherish.

    The feeling is beyond mutual! Besides Yvette and IWB, how would you describe your perfect pairing?

    I’ve got two moods:

    A glass of chilled red wine, a romance novel, or a rom-com! (Have you seen The Perfect Pairing on Netflix yet?) and layers and layers of cozy blankets. 

    A heavy pour sparkling rosé, celebrating life by cheers-ing with my girl gang & matching in our team power color at our next leadership event or friend-cation! TB to IWB Goes to Dallas!


    What a great answer! Thanks for giving us plans for our Saturday night. You’ve been so involved with Iconic Wine Beautes, if you can pick one, what’s your favorite memory thus far?

    My first Galentine’s Day as an IWB and every Galentine’s Day since then has been memorable, to be honest! Both in real life and on Zoom! There’s something about getting together as a girl gang to celebrate this occasion that just feels right. Perhaps it’s because at the heart of IWB are female friendships and women uplifting other women by being each other’s person. There’s so much love in our community.  

    Wow! We couldn’t agree more. This community is so special and we love to see not only how the relationships with each other have evolved, but also how each individual has grown. Since joining Iconic Wine Beauties, what have you learned about yourself?

    As a major introvert, it takes a lot of courage, energy, and effort for me to step outside my comfort zone, but what is so great about IWB is that it’s the safest no-judgment space to do so! Since joining IWB, I have learned that I am a better and happier person because of the women I choose to surround myself with. I’m talking about high-vibe, goal-driven, head-in-the-clouds women who know they are destined for more. They encourage me to pursue my BEST life and remind me that I am worthy and deserving of having it all. 


    Thank you for such an amazing testimony of your time in Iconic Wine Beauties, we are honored to call you a member. But before we get too serious, it’s game time! Chug, Marry, Kill: Wine edition. What are your picks?

    Rosé (what like it’s hard?), any red blend wine, Chardonnay (IDFWU).


    Pour rosé and poor chardonnay. Solid, yet cutthroat. We respect it. Now, before we bid you adieu, please let the people know where they can find you on the world wide web!

    You can find me on Instagram @ysanchez__ , which is my personal account, and @thebookedbeauty, my bookstagram account.


    Thank you so much for joining us today, Yvette. You are a gift to IWB and the world! If you want to keep up with this Iconic Beauty, make sure to head over to Instagram and give her a follow. Supporting one another is what we’re all about!